Thursday, May 7, 2009

Play Ball!

Carter loves to play ball. He plays fetch with Ella and has gotten really good at throwing, well, really good for a boy who just turned 1 a week ago.

Tonight Carter was playing ball with all of us and I managed to remember to record a bit of it.

It's not the best quality, and my editing abilities are very limited, so it's basically the quality of one of those bad home movies you were forced to watch as a kid. But, the star actor is rather cute and, I forgot to mention, he's walking in it, with the ball that's almost as big as him. So pop some popcorn and enjoy the show!


  1. Go Carter!!! We are so happy to see that you like your birthday present! The kids really enjoyed watching the video and Zack can't wait to play ball with you.

  2. He's so cute! Can't wait to see him and all for you next week!
