Sunday, March 15, 2009

Got Cookies?

Reagan's Daisy troop had their cookie booth sale on Saturday at the Mall in Manchester. Actually, it wasn't the troop, just Reagan and me because everyone else was busy.

Here's the van loaded down in the parking before we started.

This is the booth we had at the mall. Reagan stacked all the boxes into pyramids.
Reagan was a trooper and did a great job. One lady bought 3 cases of Thin Mints (that's 36 boxes)! Jeff was sad that we sold completely out of Thin Mints. We came home with some of Reagan's favorite, the Lemon Creams.
We had a lot of fun, but learned that Reagan takes after her parents and really doesn't enjoy the hard sell.


  1. I really like the display that Reagan set up! I think I know where Reagan got her creativity from.

  2. There is no question that Reagan got her creativity from Lisa and not Jeff.

    Reagan is a real hard worker and did a good job with the cookies.

  3. Thanks Mom. I really appreciate the high praise.
